FNR Youth Interactive Gathering


      Foundation Nation Restoration  [FNR]Network Host  

Foundation Nation Youth Interactive Gathering 

Friday, 23 June to Saturday, 24 June 2017
Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town

Theme :  Resources 4 Recourse [R4]

Gathering of Foundation Nation to focus on their ordained identity (as ordained by the Most High) as to the inherited identity placed on them because of man-made structures and systems.

Decree on our Ordained Identity

Embracing our Ordained Identity

that the Most High El bestowed on us,

El Elyon, the Creator who created mankind

And set the boundaries of nations in place

& not the inherited identity that people;

governments – past and present; systems;

man-made structures

throughout history placed on us.

By embracing it we are reinstated into our Ordained Identity

and we come to our fullness and prosper 

so that other people groups / nations in the land

can also come to their fullness and prosper.

 But first things first:

The Foundation Nation must be restored

so that the blessings can flow in this land

according to El Elyon, the Creator’s design and plan!


FNR Team composed