About Us


The restoration of Foundation Nation of Southern Africa, starting with South Africa in their redemptive purpose, i.e. to the predestined plan and purpose as determined for them by the Most High El [God of Covenant].

As the Foundation Nation [Indigenous People]of Southern Africa we have a mandate:

º To speak on behalf and for the land

º To stand in the gap for repentance for the sins of the land

º To extend forgiveness where they have been hurt

º To bring healing to the people and healing to the land

º To become redeemed priests of the land, so that it can yield forth righteous fruit benefiting the nations


To help with the empowerment of interested parties to bring spiritual, social and economic restoration for the Foundation Nation of Southern Africa, starting with South Africa. This is achieved by networking with various communities; organisations and institutions by identifying areas of need - then to actively engage these communities to take responsibility for empowerment and it's benefits. 


We subscribe to the principles of the Kingdom of God, based on righteousness, truth, justice, love and peace and its fulfilment through Y'shua Messiah [Jesus Christ] as a basis of our endeavor in Biblically restoring the Foundation Nation of Southern Africa, starting with South Africa.